Ricardo Pereira

Curriculum Vitae

Work Experience



Programming Languages

Frameworks and Libraries


Contact info

email ricardobaiapereira AT gmail DOT com
email ricardobaiapereira AT tecnico DOT ulisboa DOT pt
linkedin /in/ricardofbp
github ricardofbp

About me

Computer Science and Engineering Master at Instituto Superior Técnico, with the thesis entitled "Extending EcoAndroid with Automated Detection of Resource Leaks".
Specialization in Software Engineering and Data Analysis and Processing.
Interested in Software Engineering and DevOps and I highly value Research & Development.
Currently working at Capgemini Engineering for the Acordos Internacionais Team at Serviços Partilhados do Ministério da Saúde.
If you have an opening (or any questions about the work I have done), feel free to contact me!